Learn about hair extension methods

Learn about hair extension methods

Hair extension installation is one of the most popular hair services offered in hair extension salons. A lot of girls are interested in investing time and money on this amazing hair accessory. And hair extensions actually worth every penny you spend on them. With the help of hair extensions, you can totally transform the way your hair look. You can instantly add length, texture, volume and style to your existing hair. However, all hair extension methods are not same. You need to select the extensions and installation method properly to get the desired look and feel.

Choosing hair extension method

Different hair extension method is apt for different people, depending on needs and requirements. Selecting hair extension method can be a daunting task, as so many variety of hair extension is available on the market. The hair extension method works best on you depends on a lot of factors including but not limited to your lifestyle, hair type, hair quality, hair care and installation method used.

Hair extension types

Hair extensions can be broadly classified into 4 categories:

Strand by Strand Hair extensions: In this hair extension method hair is attached with the help of glue. It is semi permanent hair extension method. 20 to 30 hair is attached simultaneously attached using keratin bonding. Also, keratin bonding can be done in two ways –cold fusion and hot fusion. Either hair extension installation method has its own pros and cons. You should consult with a professional before opting for any installation method.

Weft hair extensions: Weft hair extension is also a semi-permanent hair extension installation method. Here, hair wefts are attached with the help of tap, glue or weaved on the hair. The cost of the weft hair extension installation method depends on the hair quality mainly.

Clip in hair extensions: Clip in hair extension is the most popular hair extensions used. These hair extensions are really very easy to install and remove. Hair can be attached using clips. It is the most temporary hair extension installation method. You can attach and remove the hair extensions anywhere anytime. These extensions are also available in oodles of colors, styles and textures. You can choose one according to your needs and requirement

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