Losing Weight – Doing It In The Safe Way

Losing Weight – Doing It In The Safe Way

Losing weight is not a big task as many might think of. Stay away from those boring fad diet plans for losing weight that messes up the entire scenario. You need to achieve some positive result within quick succession of time. With some proper exercises and a balanced diet plan, you can easily lose a couple of pounds in a week’s time! There are ways to lose even more than 3 pounds of a weight in a week! Don’t be surprised. Yes, there definitely are ways but they tend to be somewhat difficult.

Losing weight faster

Count on the total calorie intake your food habit allows you to achieve on a regular basis. Now try to work out in such a way that you burn the total calorie you intake from your food habits plus an additional 500 calories. What this will do? At the end of the week, weigh yourself on the weighing scale and you will be surprised with the reading- it will surely display your weight reduced by a couple of pounds!

Eat less and exercise more. Take ample rest in between to relax the muscles. And more importantly, never ever try to starve.

Say for example: your total calorie intake in a day is somewhere around 1,000 – 1,500 calories. You weigh around 250-300 pounds. Indulge in an hour’s session of rigorous exercise plan on a daily basis for one week. There is high chance that you will be able to lose 2-4 pounds of flab from your body. Cutting down calories any further can be dangerous.

Staying away from sodium

It has been scientifically proven that if you follow a salt-free diet for three months along with proper workout, you will have a ripped, lean body. Once your limit the amount of starch and salt you’re your diet, your body will start to lose out on more fluid content. It can result in quite a good amount of weight loss within a short time frame.

Tips on diet plan

To stay fit and lean, proper diet is absolutely a necessity. To lose weight doctor recommends maintaining a diet plan that’s low in starch, sugars, and animal fat contents. To experience fast weight loss, it is always necessary to focus more on vegetables (green leafy ones most notably), fruits, soy products, egg whites, non-fatty dairy foods, shellfish, fish, skinless poultry breasts, and lean meat. Drink plenty of water all the day round. Substitute aerated drinks with fruit juices. Ban alcohol and oily junked foods completely from your diet.

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